Lard vs vegetable oil, which one is more useful?

Types of fats
Let’s first understand the types of oils. what’s there So where does each type of oil fall into?
what is the truth? โปรโมชั่น ufabet has come up with an answer for you to read and understand easily and briefly.
1. Transfat or trans fat. is a type of processed fat Caused by unsaturated fat vegetable oil. Let’s compress the hydrogen. To make the keep longer, stable, not rancid and make food more delicious. Or it can cause by reusing. Through long heat, such as frying, it can eventually turn into trans fat as well. It is considered the most dangerous fat. Because trans fats are the cause of various diseases such as coronary artery disease. Clogged fat, cancer and diabetes
2. Saturated fatincluding animal oils such as lard and some vegetable oils such as palm oil, coconut oil suitable for frying Because it can withstand heat better and tastes better. Saturated fats are both useful. and harm the body if you eat too much But if used repeatedly for a long time, saturated fats can also be converted into trans fats.
3. Polyunsaturated fats include sunflower oil. soybean oil which is the vegetable oil that we commonly use, suitable for stir-frying or cook food that uses heat quickly Because it can’t stand the heat for a long time. because it can become trans fat as well But saturated fats are healthy. It is more good fat than
4. monounsaturated fats , including olive oil, which cannot withstand extreme heat. Suitable for eating fresh, mixing with salad dressing or just cooking. and is considered a good type of fat Most beneficial to the body
Because in the research results of foreign doctors Mentioned the penalty of compressed hydrogenated vegetable oil. That’s trans fat. not normal vegetable oil
Vegetable oil sold in our home market. Is it compressed hydrogen?
No, our homegrown vegetable oils are now produced in a non-hydrogenated form. After a campaign to stop using this method in the production. to extend the service life
In addition to compressed hydrogenate What other foods contain trans fats?
Trans fats can be found in foods or snacks that use shortening or margarine (margarine), such as baked goods, cookies, crackers, creamers, pizza crust, French fries, chicken nuggets, popcorn, bread, and snacks. from many industrial plants Because trans fats are cheap.
How to detect trans fats from food you eat
Look at the food ingredient chart on the package for transfat or substitutes such as Hydrogenated vegetable oil, partially hydrogenate shortening, Shortening, Hydrogenated margarine, if available in large amounts. should be avoided